Barclaycard, a UK-based company, introduced a payment glove that allows shoppers to make contactless payments through the same gestures they pay with a credit card. Glove prototypes are currently being tested in the UK and may be converted to a wider range of consumer use next year. This is the latest wearable technology that people can use to help them handle day-to-day finances. Barclay's glove is embedded in a contactless chiplet that can be linked to a user's bank information. Like contactless cards, they can be used to pay up to 20 pounds of transactions without the need for a PIN.
Non-contact technology has become increasingly popular in recent years. There are now 45 million contactless cards in the UK and more than 300,000 contactless payment transactions. The company is also considering producing gloves for customers who do not have the company's card, but its plan will depend on the feedback it received from the initial trial. Mr. Saunders, who heads the company, said that wearable technology is experiencing tremendous growth because consumers often want easy wear. Stylish items can add some features. Consumer research suggests that a pair of warm fleece gloves that can be paid for will be particularly popular.
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