Changan Automobile: Results of Corporate Bond Issuance in 2012

Approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission [2012] No. 388, Changan Automobile was allowed to publicly issue corporate bonds with a face value of no more than RMB 1.80 billion. According to the “Announcement on the Issuance of Corporate Bonds of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. in 2012”, Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. issued a total of RMB 1.98 billion in corporate bond issuance in 2012. The issuance price is RMB 100 per sheet, and it is adopted by online public investors. Public offerings and nets are issued in a combination of institutional investor inquiry placements.

The issuance of corporate bonds in this period ended on April 25, 2012. The specific issuance status is as follows:

1. The ratio of online issuance of the current online issuance of this bond to the total amount of issuance of the current period is 10%, ie, 198 million yuan; the actual number of online issuances is 1,887.951 billion yuan, accounting for 9.54 of the total bond issuance of the current period. %.

2. The number of bonds issued under the current issuance of the bonds under the net accounted for 90% of the total issuance of bonds, ie 1.78 billion yuan; the actual issuance amount under the final net was 1.791049 trillion yuan, accounting for the total amount of bonds issued in the current period. 90.46% of the volume.

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